General Information

Georock Desing SRL, henceforth referred to with the brand MEDISILK,  collects, processes and stores data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

MEDISILK gathers information that helps us create a better visitor profile in two ways:

  • We use on-site cookies
  • The user provides us with private information themselves when signing up for a newsletter or filling out their details in their profile

The information stored here will never be sold or misused. We collect information to ensure that we can provide you with the best quality service possible.

Privacy Policy

MEDISILK respects the customer’s right to privacy as well as the company wants to have the customer’s data legally processed. That’s why MEDISILK’s data processing practices are in compliance with the law.

All sensitive information remains our sole possession and it would never be forwarded or used outside the company without your explicit consent. Mind, we never gather personal information unless the information is provided by you by signing up for our newsletter service or in the process of registering your account.

We only utilize personal data to implement our service and fine-line it for a better customer satisfaction. We sometimes conduct studies and analyses aimed to improve our marketing strategies and products and to ultimately benefit you. We only disclose our information to parties such as our newsletter system & Google Analytics. Please note, that while the data we collect using Google Analytics does not expire, it is only used for internal data comparison and analytic purposes and service improvement. We do not have active Google Remarketing or Advertising Reporting Features working on this website.

MEDISILK only collaborates, as a responsible company, with system vendors / and/or data controllers working in EU or in different ways are approved by the Commission. In § 27, act. 1 in the GDPR, it states that, as a rule, information must only be transmitted to a third country if this country ensures an adequate level of data protection.

IP Address and Geo-location

Your IP address is anonymized in Google Analytics, which means your exact location when you’re visiting our website is not visible in Google Analytics, with the last digits of your IP address being hidden.

Protection of personal data

We are bound by law to keep your personal information secure and confidential. We will store your personal information on our servers which are characterized by the most rigorous security standards. Even then, it’s worth noting that we cannot guarantee 100% security for any data that is transmitted over the Internet. There’s a persistent risk that other parties may get hold of it in the occasions when data is sent and stored electronically. Ultimately, your information is submitted at your own risk and any breach that may lead to a significant risk for you, including discrimination, ID theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or other significant inconvenience, we will make sure to communicate to you expediently.

We protect your personal information following an internal guide we have elaborated to help protect your personal data. To avoid any loss of information, we will perform regular backups. We protect the authenticity and apply the latest encryption standards to bolster the security of your accounts.

MEDISILK also tries its best to keep up with the quickly-changing personal data processing methods. We may need to continuously update and add to these guidelines, so MEDISILK reserves its right to reflect any changes in this documentation when it sees fit.

You rights

As an individual, you may be forgotten as per GDPR. In other words, you can opt to have all your data deleted without any unnecessary delay from our servers forever. If you request this, we will delete everything that we are legally allowed to. There may be cases when we must retain some form of the information to comply with legislation.

If we are gathering data on potential new customers, this happens only after their consent and the data thereof is deleted if the consent is withdrawn. All data on former customers is deleted after 5 years but not before any pending cases or property requirements have been terminated.

Storage of personal data

Only relevant information will be stored for a period of 5 years, including the current one. All other personal data is deleted or anonymized when there are no relevant purposes for its use.

You also have the legal right to request all the data MEDISILK stores about you or request it being erased. You can use this form:



In the following section, you can read about our way of gathering, storing and utilization of the information you provide us with. By using you agree that we are charged to process your information in accordance with the policy outlined below.

Bear in mind that cookies are personal, and they contain no personal information whatsoever. Therefore, we cannot identify you using the cookies, nor can the rookie lead to the identification of your computer nor the persons (if applicable) who are using your computer. Cookies cannot spread damaging programs or viruses either.

What is a cookie?

When you visit, cookies are stored on your computer, should you give your explicit consent. The cookie constitutes a small text that is stored in your browser and it is used to recognize your computer in subsequent visits to the website. No personal information comes with the cookies.

The majority of websites available on the Internet all use cookies. The cookies help us analyze your experience and how we can better improve your satisfaction rate and experience. Cookies could also help us provide you with a particular service of our website.

The information stored by the cookies includes user settings, login and how the website has been used.

Some cookies expire as soon as you end your browser session whereas others can be stored by the user’s IT equipment for prolonged periods of time. Persistent cookies are renewed with every visit where temporary ones are created for the purposes of a single session.

How to avoid cookies?

If you would rather avoid cookies, you can block them, delete the existing ones or adjust your browser settings to notify you every time you receive cookies.

We do recommend that you read through our cookie policy carefully and then decide how you would rather handle them when browsing our website.

Do bear in mind that if you decide to avoid cookies, this may result in poorer experience on our website and create an unnecessary hassle for you. Note that if you don’t agree to cookies, some of the functions of our website may not work.

What does MEDISILK use cookies for?

We utilize cookies to make sure we create accurate demographic and user-related statistics. This enables us to customize the content that you browse and see and adjust it to your own preferences and wishes. We track movement between different pages of the website.

If you log in or sign up for our newsletter, we also note this, and that helps us further simplify your experience.

We fully focus on making the experience on our website easier for you. We submit the information to Google Analytics, which helps us collect all relevant information we need and then analyze it to achieve better results in both our marketing efforts, but also to provide you with the desired comfort while browsing our website.

Third-party cookies

MEDISILK uses a number of third-party services on our website. As a result, you may come in contact with other cookies as well. The cookies are primarily used to track your activity, such as which web pages you choose to visit.

We also utilize Google Analytics, a tool provided by Google, which helps us follow your activity better for the purposes of good marketing and satisfactory user experience.

We also collaborate with companies that will help us achieve better marketing results, including Facebook and Google.

MEDISILK contains third-party cookies, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. The owner of such third-parties obtains information about your browser, IP address, and the pages that you visit. MEDISILK does something similar. How many third-party may process your data is exclusively an agreement that you maintain between yourself and the third-party company owner.

By clicking “Agree” at the cookie consent bar, you are accepting our usage of first and third party cookies on our website in full.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics to collect and analyze user browsing and shopping behavior data. No personal information or information that can be specifically connected to your person is collected. If you wish to disable Google Analytics tracking altogether – please follow this link to Google official web opt-out feature.. Our Google Analytics has the Remarketing and Advertising Reporting features enabled, which means that by opting to allow the usage of Google Analytics you are agreeing to have your data analyzed for seeing more personalized Google ads. This does not, however, mean that any personal information if yours is collected. You can at any time delete the cookies of your web browser to prevent further tracking and personalization.


On MEDISILK, we have in place a number of cookies that need to be there in order for the website to operate at its full capacity. These cookies are stored when you log in to our website.


If you have any questions about our cookie or privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Email: [email protected]


You have the opportunity to complain about our processing of your personal data to the Data Protection Agency:

Last updated: 14-01-2019

*The data submitted in this form will be stored but never given away, shared or sold to a third party.
Company info Contact USA
Georock Desing SRL
Reg. No. 38115792
Poporului Nr. 36
900178 Constanta, Romania

209 E 11th Street #12
Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA
Tel (US): +1 (323) 250-7104
Email: [email protected]