Bonetta Filler Deep (2 x 1ml)


from 5 pcs.from 15 pcs.from 25 pcs.

Bonetta Filler Deep is a Hyaluronic Acid filler with a durable and painless action. It is developed in South Korea and it can remove deep wrinkles quickly and easily. Also, the product hydrates the skin and plumps the lips in a natural and safe way. For the most part, its anti-wrinkle effects last for up to one year after the treatment.

In stock again on  January 11th

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    SKU: 17810 Category: Product ID: 17810


    Why Choose Benetta Filler Deep Over Other Dermal Fillers

    Today, the market abounds in superb HA fillers. Still, Bonetta Filler Deep is among the best products in its price range.

    For starters, it reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles and folds, including stubborn smile lines. Plus, it encourages the skin to produce more collagen. Best of all, the dermal filler maintains the dermis hydrated and that, in turn, results in a radiant appearance.

    • Instant anti-aging effects
    • Durable results
    • No downtime or severe side effects
    • Swift and painless treatment
    • High satisfaction rate
    • Deep wrinkle removal
    • Lip and cheek enhancement

    Can the Effects of Bonetta Filler Deep Be Reversed?

    Sometimes, patients may not like the result of the treatment. Luckily, that does not happen often since the dermal filler does not lead to overfilling. Still, in case the therapy needs to be reversed, doctors can use a Hyaluronidase injection. Soon after they apply it, the HA gel from the filler will start to dissolve.

    Who Should Not Use the Product?

    Although Bonetta Filler Deep is a harmless soft-tissue filler, it may cause adverse reactions in some individuals. As a result, plastic surgeons must never treat women who are pregnant or nursing with it. People who have a skin infection or inflammation around the target areas also make bad candidates for the treatment. Finally, patients on chemotherapy or blood-thinning medications should avoid all types of filler injections.

    Additional information

    Weight 0.070 kg
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