EsCom 100 Nanohybrid Composite


EsCom 100, a light cured Nanohybrid composite reisin is used for  direct posterior anterior Class I to V restorations.  This dental product can be utilized to block out undercuts and repair composite and ceramic veneers. Usage also includes handling core build-up and splinting loose teeth.

We ship products in a matter of hours after successful payment, during the work week*

    SKU: 3276 Category: Tag: Product ID: 3276


    EsCom 100 Composite has very high compressive strength and low polymerization shrinkage properties. The color of the product matches natural teeth. It’s available in the following shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, C2, AO2, AO3, TW.  Syringes are easy to handle by the dentist and the composite has a prolonged work time – 90 seconds.


    1. Prepare the cavity
    2. Protect the pulp
    3. Adhesive system
    4. Dispense some EsCom 100
    5. Restoration
    6. Placement
    7. Occlusion equilibration
    8. Finish up and polish


    • Refill : 4g x 1syringe|Escom100 system kit (5 syringes, FineEtch, EsBond)
    • Escom100 syringe kit (8 syringes)

    Additional information

    Weight 0.050 kg
    Shop Feed
    *up to 48 hours; not applicable to backorders
    *The data submitted in this form will be stored but never given away, shared or sold to a third party.
    Company info Contact USA
    Georock Desing SRL
    Reg. No. 38115792
    Poporului Nr. 36
    900178 Constanta, Romania

    209 E 11th Street #12
    Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA
    Tel (US): +1 (323) 250-7104