EsCom 100 Nano-Hybrid Composite – Capsule (20 x 0.25g)


A professional dental product,  EsCom 100 is a Nano-Hybrid composite reisin, purposed for direct posterior and anterior restorations (Classes I to V).  This composite can be utilized by dentists to block out undercuts, produce core build-up and treat splinting loose teeth, as well as repairing of composite and ceramic veneers.

We ship products in a matter of hours after successful payment, during the work week*

    SKU: 3278 Category: Tag: Product ID: 3278


    EsCom 100 Composite is characterized by it’s high compressive strength and reduced rates of polymerization shrinkage.  Tooth color can be easily matched with one of the 11 available shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, C2, AO2, AO3, TW. Convenient work time is extended to 90 second and the syringe is simple to handle by the user.


    1. Prepare the cavity
    2. Protect the pulp
    3. Adhesive system
    4. Dispense some EsCom 100
    5. Restoration
    6. Placement
    7. Occlusion equilibration
    8. Finish up and polish

    Additional information

    Weight 0.050 kg
    Shop Feed
    *up to 48 hours; not applicable to backorders
    *The data submitted in this form will be stored but never given away, shared or sold to a third party.
    Company info Contact USA
    Georock Desing SRL
    Reg. No. 38115792
    Poporului Nr. 36
    900178 Constanta, Romania

    209 E 11th Street #12
    Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA
    Tel (US): +1 (323) 250-7104